Saturday, November 5, 2011

NFP, or do you say FAM?

I was shocked and amazed, at age 38, to find out that there was actually a way to manage issues of fertility, effectively, completely naturally. I learned about this from my cousin, who was having difficulty conceiving. Believe it or not, I was also trying to conceive a child at that time. That is another long story. But the book my cousin gave me, Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler, changed my life.

It also made me really mad. Because I was wondering why I had never heard of this before. My friend Diane, who is Catholic, also informed me about NFP (Natural Family Planning--with a book by that title) through the Couple to Couple League --the same method as FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) in Toni Weschler's book.

My cousin's book probably lent some credibility at the time to the other Catholic book in my mind. Because I guess I had thought that "natural family planning" meant the old "rhythm method" which had apparently caused many Catholic families to have scads of accidental my imagining. By the way, NFP is not the rhythm method.

Learning how to read my body's God-given signs allowed me to have two more children, pictured above. So I had babies in my twenties, and babies in my forties. I also practiced FAM/NFP the four years between these children, and it does work. How sweet it is to not have to take dangerous and costly measures to prevent or produce pregnancy!

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